One could paraphrase the famous “boutade” of Hans Arp “Dans la peinture, il y a des maitres e des kilomètres” and apply if to the world of electronic art, the cradle and the deluge of new, unedited forms of the image. L’immagine leggera is for Italy, not only Palermo, the opportunity and the occasion to “see and hear” authors, fragments,the ikon threads of modernity, selected and presented by Alessandro Rais in an event, which makes amends for the delay and exorcises through its choices the horror vacui of Arp’s of Arp. kilometers
It is not chance that among the maitres of L’immagine leggera there will be Godard, the furious visionary intelligence and the mythological effigy of the possible pyres of creativity applied to image (in motion and not). The morning advice for festival goers is not to overlook Jean Luc,’s prayer “pax une image juste, juste une image”, and to carefully keep in mind along Calvino’s figurative warning, to reinforce, “the ghost like lightness of the idea and the weight of the world .